Saturday, September 29, 2007

house of DOOOOOM!

So here's the question:

If you were in Biff's shoes, do you think that you would have opened the house of doom and released Catch? Do you think that you would have let temptation get a hold of you or would you have accepted that you weren't supposed to open the door?

I probably would have wanted to open the door, for sure. I have a curious nature and would have wondered what was inside. But I'm not sure I would have been so bold as to risk everything just to know.

I really wonder why Joy was so intent on opening the door. She know that Balthasar was into some pretty evil stuff. Why couldn't she foresee that it could have been maybe something bad. But unconsciously, i think the house of doom or whatever was really just there as kind of Adam and Eve allusion. I mean Balthasar didn't put it there to test them, but by putting it there he was tempting everyone he didn't tell what was inside. Paradoxy, huh?


King Clown said...

Yes I'm first!

I know for a fact that anything
with Doom in its name can't be anything but trouble so I probably wouldn't have opened it. Then agian, a house full of lovely ladies and an endless buffet might make me think I could do anything I wanted.

Temptation is a naughty little bugger though, and I'm only human so what can I do? Especially when they tell me NOT to open it. I think we all have a inner tendancy as teenagers to want to rebel. And agian, all my other temptations ;-) had been already satisfied so I might be a little spoiled.

So my answer is no I would not have opened the door to the House of Doom any more than I would jump of the Cliff of Absolute Peril and Misery...Or would I?

2scaredofu said...

Catch is a scary dude. If I knew what the hell was the "room of doom" there's no way I would open that door. But the fact is that I wouldn't of known the doom that was in store for me. If you think about what catch has gone through you might feel some sympathy for the demon. He is stuck in a small room with nothing to do but starve and think. If I was him I would be reflecting on how I'm going to eat the next thing that opens that door. After eating his fill I bet he's I nice guy.

So after reflecting on this subject I have come to resolution that I would open that door. But after I let him loose on a couple of peseants.

Anne Clairemont said...

i would have opened the door. no question. Curiosity killed the cat...but at least the cat didn't die wondering, right?....

Marleyman said...

The house of doom? I'm not sure what I would have done. I mean, the fact that Balthasar would not want me to open the door would actually tempt me to take a peek. However, I would still be curious even if he did not tell me anything about the door. If the door is called the "house of doom," it is probably dangerous and evil, but in Biff's shoes, you have experienced so much that the house of doom may seem like a joke (which he could have thought). Also, how was he supposed to know how much of a burden it would be? Balthasar is a shady character anyway, so a surprise was definitely in store for him.