Friday, September 21, 2007


Biff happens to be the coolest character I have ever read about. He is also a person I could hang out with. The more I read, the more I see his personality in my own friends. As you read about Biff, who of your friends remind you of Biff the best (and please explain)?


Anne Clairemont said...

i have to say, Biff is real tight. He has the quirky sence of humor i see in a lot of my friends.
aka i wish he was real so we could chill.

mostly, i guess, he reminds of one particular girlfriend. this friend is very sarcastic, funny, boy crazy...and crude. which actually is a good trait because we all know dirty jokes are the funniest...i mean most funny...whatever. It's easy for me to imagine my friends and me in these situations--having these conversations, and laughing at these jokes.

it's very nice to read such a humous book for a change. i'll admit that i've caught mysef laughing out loud on many occations. i think Moore and I have the same sense of humor.

it is a little hard trying to remember all the stories Moore mentions in the book in reference to all that stuff i learned in sunday school, but i think i've caught the irony in most of it...and i'm glad Moore even added a little suspense. i dont know where you guys are in the book so i wont say any more!

ellen upland said...

i really like biff as well. he is very funny and entertaining. i kind of see many of my friends in him. his attraction to women reminds me of my friends when they are boy crazy. for example one girl has a new love intrest somtimes before she is even done with the current one.

biff over reacts easily about things all of the time. like when they see the romans naked statues. both my friends and i over react over silly things that arent really very important at all in the grand scheme of things.

and of chorse the most obvious, biff is so funny. all of my friends make me laugh so much. biff creates his humor from the other charachters in the book. when me and my friends hang out and we joke around with each other one person says somthing and then someone feeds off of them and it goes on until the one natorius girl, as always, takes it to far. but then that becomes a joke in its self.

bombdotcom said...

I don't know how i feel about Biff. Yeah he is really funny, and obviously cares a lot about Josh. But he is also jealous, kind of self absorbed.

But he does remind me of one of my friends. She is completely obsessed with the opposite sex and teases like no other. We fight all the time. But i know she would jump in front of a bullet for me any day.

this book is refreshing in that it's really thought through, but it doesn't take it's self too serious. Just when you think it's going some where, it doesn't. and i like that.

2scaredofu said...

Biff Biff Biff...I wish I was one of the crunk diciples so I could chill with Biff.

Thinking of my friends, I see little characteristics of Biff in all my friends. I have the lustfull fanatic, the caring friend, and the desperate follower.

But if I was friends with Biff I would have all in one. That would be so cool!!! Although trying, still cool.

Anne Clairemont said...

p.s. can we all be added as contributors so we can post promps? im not really sure how that whole thing works...

Marleyman said...

I have to agree that Biff is pretty awesome. He reminds me of all the friends that I have and a little like myself. His girl interest/craze is like one of the qualities that one of my friends have, but whenever my friend talks about girls he seems desperate. Biff's responses to some of the biblical references were on point in my opinion. I could definitely identitfy with it.

His humor is so off the wall and I love it (even though in his position, I may not have said some of those things). All in all, Biff is a good friend to Josh. He provides encouraging support and tries to protect him from being involved in too much trouble (the bread and graven images thing).

King Clown said...

Biff is like the friend everybody has thats not really their best friend, but just like a close associate who is fun to hang out with.

I think the book has the potential to be so controversal that Biff's humor sort of eases the tension.

Of my friends, I think this dude I know Hatim is like Biff the most. Their both pretty funny, a little random, and overall a pretty cool guy.